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Body Piercing By Qui Qui on Facebook and Instagram are whole other aspects of what I do. Take a peek inside my head!

I post a lot of updates, photos, and my thoughts to the Body Piercing By Qui Qui Facebook and Instagram pages. I also post random acts of kindness deals from time to time as a chance for you to get spur of the moment discounts and sometimes FREE stuff! Following me on these other social media accounts is a part of the whole experience!

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Follow me on Pinterest!

Want to see more of Qui Qui's work? Or maybe you just want to get some piercing ideas for yourself? Or maybe, you just love body piercing? Or maybe, it has nothing to do with Qui Qui or body piercing but you're just addicted to Pinterest (because really, who isn't?). Whatever your reason(s), you should follow us on Pinterest at @bp_by_qui_qui!

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Follow me on YouTube!

My clients take a ton of videos and I am hoping that more of you will share them and that others can see what kind of fun we have when we do your piercings! Plus I'm quite the character as those who've met me know! Sharing my personal experience and my artistic style is why I do this. So please send in any videos you've taken during your piercings to and let's get this YouTube page filled up! It's sitting empty at @BodyPiercingbyQuiQuiSpringfield  

We need to change that together!

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Hashtag your photos of your piercing or your piercing experience with "#bodypiercingbyquiqui" on Facebook and Instagram for a chance to have your photo(s) featured on our pages!

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© 2016 The School Of Body Arts LLC | Body Piercing By Qui Qui

All content on this site belongs to Body Piercing By Qui Qui. All rights reserved.

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